The Guild MPN

“Whose we are and Whom we serve”

The Guild is practical about care and action. The Guild learns through the projects about the people and places they are seeking to support. The Guild is about community – working, learning and laughing together we can.

Support large projects linked to Church work:

  • AIDS awareness in Southern Africa
  • The Lodging House Mission
  • Children in drug abuse families

Share a focus for groups through themes and topics:

  • Giving a voice to important issues:
  • Overcoming violence
  • Women and poverty
  • Homelessness.

Guild members affirm how much they feel a part of the group, friendship, fellowship and a spiritual bond all add to what it means to be a part of the organisation. The MPN Guild fund raise ably to assist projects chosen at national level and also help projects locally. Each member is an integrated church family member and all are welcome to join and take part, Worship and faith lies at the heart of all that takes place.

Why not join? Any person who subscribes to the aim of the Guild which is: “To invite and encourage women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and to enable them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action”.

We meet every second Thursday from September to May at 2.00pm at Prestwick North church halls – this session begins on September 23rd 2021 until April 7th 2022.


For more information on full syllabus contact Margaret Goodlad, Convenor & Secretary on 01292 470903.