MPN Sermons

Sunday 6th October 2019

Sunday 6th October 2019

06 October 2019

Acts 15/16 Discernment - David Clarkson

Sunday 22nd September 2019

Sunday 22nd September 2019

22 September 2019

Women if the bible- Priscilla the church leader

Sunday 15th September 2019

Sunday 15th September 2019

15 September 2019

Women of the bible - Junia the apostle

Sunday 8th September 2019

Sunday 8th September 2019

08 September 2019

Women of the bible - Tabitha the indispensible

Sunday 1st September 2019

Sunday 1st September 2019

01 September 2019

Women in the bible - Mary the mother

Back to School with God Service

Back to School with God Service

25 August 2019

Back to School with God service

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